THE BEC (Basic
Education Curriculum) 2001-present
- The 2002 Curriculum for
formal basic education aims at raising the quality of the Filipino learners and graduates and empowering them for lifelong
learning, which requires the attainment of functional literacy.
- Studies indicate that
an overcrowded curriculum and its insufficient relevance to the diverse contexts of our learners hinder or delay the development
of lifelong learning skills.
- To decongest the curriculum
and make it easier for teachers and learners to contextualize it, the DepEd has restructured the curriculum into five
(5) learning areas, namely, Filipino, English, Science, Mathematics, and Makabayan with stronger integration
of competencies within and across these learning areas.
- The restructured curriculum
makes use of innovative, interdisciplinary, and integrative modes of instructional delivery, whenever these modes are possible
and appropriate.
- Integration works best
when teachers of different disciplines plan and teach together. Thus, collaborative teaching (in tandem or as a team)
is strongly encouraged in the 2002 curriculum.
- The ideal teaching-learning
process is interactive, and thus the curriculum has been restructured to promote more reciprocal interaction between students
and teachers, between students themselves (collaborative learning), between students and instructional materials, between
students and multi-media sources, and between teachers of different disciplines.
- Values development is
integral to all the learning areas from the Elementary to the Secondary levels.
- Filipino, English, Science
and Mathematics are the basic tool subjects.
- Mathematics in the Secondary
level returns to the linear sequential approach.
- Makabayan will be a "laboratory of life" or a practice environment for
holistic learning to develop a healthy personal and national self-identity. This requires an adequate understanding
of Philippine history and our politico-economic system, local cultures, crafts, arts, music and games.
- Makabayan entails the use of integrated units of learning tasks which will
enable the learner to personally process, assimilate, and systematically practice a wide range of values and life skills including
work skills and a work ethic.
- Each of the 5 learning
areas addresses both the individual and social needs of the learners. Makabayan, however, will be the
learning area that lays the most stress on the development of social awareness, empathy, and a firm commitment to the common
- The
components of the Makabayan learning area for Elementary are as follows:
13.1 Araling Panlipunan
13.1.1 Sibika at Kultura (SK) for Grades 1, 2 and 3
13.1.2 Heograpiya, Kasaysayan at Sibika (HKS) for Grades
4, 5 and 6
13.2 Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (EPP) for Grades 4, 5 and 6
13.3 Musika, Sining at Edukasyong Pangkatawan (MSEP) for
Grades 4, 5 and 6 (while for
Grades 1, 2 and 3, MSEP is integrated in Sibika at Kultura)
13.4 Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC), which is integrated also in all learning areas.
- The components of the Makabayan learning area for the Secondary level are as follows:
Araling Panlipunan (AP) or Social Studies
14.1.1 Philippine History and Government for First Year
14.1.2 Asian Studies for the Second Year
14.1.3 World History for Third Year
14.1.4 Economics for Fourth Year
Teknolohiya at Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan (TEPP, formerly THE)
Musika, Sining at Edukasyong Pangkatawan at Pangkalusugan (MSEPP, formerly PEHM)
Edukasyon sa Pagpapahalaga (EP, formerly VE)
- Schools are allowed to
design and contextualize the implementation of Makabayan.
- Information and Communication
Technology shall be used in every learning area, wherever hardware and software are available.
- The restructured curriculum
will be implemented in all levels except Grade 6 and Fourth Year. The year 2002-2003 will be a pilot year for the restructured
curriculum in all public schools. Private schools may opt to join, and best practices will be shared at the end of the
pilot year.
- No teacher will be made
redundant and none will be underloaded or overloaded in the implementation of the restructured curriculum. This will
be ensured through skillful school management of schedules and appropriate organization of classes. Sample class programs
will be provided.
- From April to May 2002,
there will be in-service training for trainors and teachers especially on the modes of integrative teaching, and such training
will be school-based.
- The NETRC, the BEE, and
the BSE will conduct a quarterly evaluation of the restructured curriculum on the basis of a research design from the NETRC,
while continuous monitoring will be done by the principals and supervisors in their respective schools and divisions.
Curriculum development is a dynamic process, and
thus the restructured curriculum will continue to develop throughout the pilot year and after