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Educational Article 9

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Components of Effective Teaching 

I.             Objectives

II.           Introduction

III.        Components of Effective Teaching

IV.         Professional Qualities

V.           Personal Qualities

VI.         General Comment

I.             OBJECTIVES         


1.     To understand what makes a good teacher.

2.     To gain insight into the professional and personal qualities of an effective teacher.


II.    Introduction 


What makes a good teacher? The book started out with these questions and we’re going to start off with that same question.  For some students, a good teacher is one who is knowledgeable with his subject, a teacher who can answer almost any questions thrown at him by his students. For certain, it creates a deep impression on the students because they know they’re in ‘good hands’. For some students, a good teacher is one who can interact with his students not just about the subject, who shares his own life experiences even personal ones at some point, it eases the students feelings about that kind of teacher. For some students,  a good teacher is one who can make them laugh or shares a laugh with them, oftentimes there are teachers who are not knowledgeable enough but whose ‘weakness’ is being offset by his sense of humor. For some students, a good teacher is one who can show genuine concern to his students, he may not have that sense of humor but students know he really cares.

Although those characteristics are generally desirable to have them all, not all teachers could posses these qualities but nonetheless a teacher should be aware of what the students looks for in a teacher and strive to work on some of these qualities that he thinks need improving.  Here we can discern that the teacher’s job is not just about the transmission of knowledge and information,  what is more important is the teacher’s influence in promoting the development of basic skills, understanding, work habits, desirable attitudes, values, judgment and adequate personal adjustment of the learner. I say, Teaching is an act of love disguise as a profession.


We have to realize that the teacher’s central concern should be the learner and his needs because whatever efforts a teacher exert to improve his professional qualities and expertise, it won’t amount to anything if he can’t motivate his students to learn with him. I do believe that a teacher together with his students is much more like a team, it takes two tango likewise, as much as possible, there should be a harmonious relationship between the teacher and the student. Much like a team with a common goal to learn and to enjoy each other’s company.




          Although various studies have been conducted to define scientifically the distinguishing characteristics of an effective teacher, a common criterion has not yet been established. However, these studies point to two major qualities in which the characteristics of an effective teaching can be grouped: (1) Professional  and  (2) Personal qualities.


Professional Qualities refers to the teacher’s knowledge of general subject matter to be taught, his understanding of the psychological and educational principles, and his understanding and appreciation of the teaching profession.

Personal Qualities            are those that stem from the teacher’s personality, his interest, attitudes, beliefs, his behavior in working relationship with the pupils and other individuals, et al.   

Together, a teacher’s professional and personal qualities make up of what we call the components of effective teaching. If the central concern is the learner, the main channel or medium is the teacher.  In next two sections that follows, we are going to determine specifically these professional and personal qualities of an effective teacher.


Professional Qualities of an Effective Teacher


1.  Mastery of the Subject. The first essential quality is that the teacher must have a thorough grasp of the subject matter. To master one’s field is to keep learning about it (particularly in the subject of history and science).


2.  Understanding of the Learner

                                      A second essential quality is the knowledge of learner. He must know how much children at various level of maturity are capable of understanding. He must know the adjustments children have to make at various stages of development and the physical, emotional, and social problems they face in growing up. He must like them.


3. Understanding principles of teaching and Skill in the use of techniques.


                                                The third essential quality is skill with teaching methods. It involves understanding of curriculum theory and practice, nature and principles of learning, psychology of motivation and individual differences. It involves skill in facilitating purposeful learning- discussions, questioning, visual materials, group work. It involves skill in evaluating pupil’s progress. 


4.  General understanding of other branches of knowledge.


                                      A teacher must understand the interrelation and independence of the various areas of knowledge ( ex. history in relation to culture).  He must be ready to cope with possible questions relating to other fields of knowledge.


5.  Understanding and appreciation of the teaching profession.


                                      It refers to the must-have positive attitude of teacher about his job. A teacher must know how to work effectively not just with his pupils but also with all other person involved in the school- administrator, co-teacher, parents and community. A teacher must understand the importance of his work as a socially useful work.



These are related to five aspect of personality: intellectual, social, physical, emotional, and moral.




pleasing personal appearance [if you are ugly at least be winsome], pleasant voice [if your voice sounds like that of a frog, at least loud enough to be heard or use a microphone, hehe], good grooming [clothes not exactly always new but clean, appropriate hair cut and presentable clothes.]          , personal cleanliness [common are clean nails and white, tinga’-free teeth.]




Intelligence [can be achieved thru preparation and reading ahead], sense of humor [I guess, it takes intelligence to be humorous, practically depends on how you define intelligence], fairness  [more on the objective side, ability to judge student answers fairly], wittiness  [ a witty answer makes one smile, closely related to humor but not exactly intellectual]




Helpfulness [there are cases when student ask a teacher about some other subjects which the teacher can afford to share information if he knows], cooperativeness [ a teacher should show cooperativeness in school programs as part of his social function], friendliness [a teacher should always have a friendly attitude, students senses when you are in conflict with fellow teacher]




Sympathy [ show genuine concern with students and they might be motivated to cooperate], patience [ some students really love you but just what simply they are at their stage, being naughty, attention seeker], kindness [students always value a teacher’s kindness even for a lifetime, huh! To some, that is what elevates the status of a teacher to be of noble one], cheerfulness [a teacher who does not smile is seldom approach by students, being cheerful in class makes it easy for them to relate].




Impartiality [some teachers are hated because of their favoritism attitude and impractical whims], Honesty [don’t promise what you can’t deliver else they mock you], Enthusiasm [ beyond mere interest, but to appear more like being inspired as you teach, it’s a contagious projection].




            There is a lot to know about how one can be an effective teacher but we have to realize that we can never really expect much.  It will take a lot of experience or even a lifetime before one can truly say that he is an effective teacher. As it is said, the attitude of the teacher about his profession meant a lot, if one really desires to be an educator in his heart, he must LOVE it because in a deeper sense, Teaching is an act of love disguise as a profession.  


          And we have to be aware that teaching method as we adopt in from the West is very much different from the method of the East. In the West, the teacher holds responsibility for the student to learn. But in the East, the student is the one responsible to learn. In the West, the teacher explain, the teacher facilitates. In the East, the teacher talks in what seem like parables and the student follows certain routines.


          Some common axioms of teaching from the East is, “When the Student is ready, the Teacher will appear “. Early stages of learning in the East is by manner of cultivating and inculcating responsibility to the student and routines are done and how the student reflects on it in place of interactive learning. And thus, teachers in the East carry with them, certain aura of mystery for their students, they seem to be unfathomable.


          Though I should say, a lot of these things are changing or rather altered due to western influences and the explosion of information technology which greatly changes how one learns. Nonetheless, though we have deviated a little by our topic, Teachers, educators wherever there may be have one thing in common and that is, to share which I believe is an act of love. 

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Copyright 2005. MOS
Date Created: May 07, 2005
Last Update: July 10, 2006